My videos page has recordings of various speeches. Here’s the latest – and, some are saying, my best. It was a month ago in Cary, North Carolina, at a big event conducted by SAS called “Health Analytics: From Big Insights to Big Breakthroughs.” It’s 56 minutes long.
Here’s the direct link to the video. If you’re not already registered on that site, you may need to register here.
Not all the slides are shown in the video; here’s a copy of them on Slideshare. Slideshare’s display software is pretty weak compared to what I do with PowerPoint :-) so some of the layouts display wrong on their site, but you can get the idea.
Don’t miss Peter Diamandis’s talk that day
Near the beginning I mention it. Here’s the link.
Lisa Parmley says
This is a very good video! The speaker is very effective and he knows how to handle his audience well. And he’s a funny guy too! I’ve learned so much from him. I definitely would want to see more from this man. Amazing! Thanks for sharing this.