This post includes the video, below, of an unusual speech for me: it’s not about healthcare, it’s about speaking – particularly, how to compose your message in a way that people hear (genuinely) as a new possibility for the future, not a complaint about today; and so that they come away from your talk with a new view of life.
In healthcare transformation this is really important, for two reasons. First, a lot of people are just sick of hearing over and over about the problems (which certainly are real!). And second, since most of the problems haven’t budged much in the past 20 years, it begs the question: have we been wasting our breath??
And that leads to the question I blogged last year: “What could be said that will make any difference??”
Then two weeks ago I wrote that Rebel Jam 2015 was about to happen – a full 24 hour, round-the-clock round-the-world webcast event sponsored by RelEvents and conducted by three different groups working to create real change from within the system: Change Agents Worldwide, Corporate Rebels, and Rebels At Work. I said my favorite expression of their approach is to figure out how to “rock the boat without falling out.”
I was one of their speakers, and I just got my hands on the video of my talk. Below. Caution; this may require that you give up some of your ideas on how to make a point and how to create change. It’s my approach, for what it’s worth.
Rebel Jam Webcast – e-Patient Dave: “Being Heard as Possibility: How a patient became Mayo’s Visiting Professor” from e-Patient Dave deBronkart on Vimeo.
Next in the series: #26: To hone your skills, eight great TED Talks
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