Special invitation to Swiss readers! This is an opportunity to book an event this June at a greatly reduced price compared to my usual rates. Because it’s Switzerland. :)
Early in 2011 two extraordinary invitations arrived. The first was to speak at TEDx Maastricht, hosted by my now-good-friend Lucien Engelen at RUMC. It was an amazing TEDx, mostly about patients, with most speakers being what I now call “actual sick people.” Lucien gets it, and the experience was mind-blowing (and changed my life).
The other was from a couple with a consulting business called IKF, in Lucerne, Switzerland. They completely see the e-patient future, and every spring since then they’ve invited my wife Ginny and me to come back. We don’t make much money on it, because they got me when this was all brand new, and c’mon, it’s Switzerland, and the scenery is just unbelievable… I teach a half day session in the e-health course they teach at the university, and they organize a few speeches in the area at greatly reduced prices, for any sponsor. That covers the costs with a little left over.
Because they were sponsors way back in the beginning, in my price policy they qualify for the “BFF” discount, which we extend to everyone who books something as part of this annual trip. They were also the ones who told me I had to write Let Patients Help … so they could translate it into German for use in a textbook! So I wrote it and they translated it. (I’m not kidding – this is the kind of change-oriented visionary I love to do business with. Wouldn’t you??)
(They also had Lucien write a section – no coincidence there!)
This year’s trip is June 7-13. If you’d like to sponsor an event – a speech, a private consultation, whatever – please contact andrea.belliger at ikf.ch who is coordinating.